Identity design proposition for Geneva Airport’s 100th anniversary celebrations.

Project developed during a graphic design class at HEAD – Genève. The Geneva Airport management asked us to create a visual identity to be used for a year in 2019–2020 to celebrate the centenary of their institution. Even though their official name is Genève Aéroport, in my proposal I chose to take a risk and to use their airport identifier code: GVA, which I find perfect. This is because the V echoes an arrow pointing down, and the A an arrow pointing up, and together they suggest a movement that is characteristic of an airport. Then, in addition to this vertical motion as the core pillar of my project, I also decided to feature archival photos to show the history being celebrated. In the end, even though extremely well-received, my proposal was not chosen because it was deemed inconceivable to communicate using the GVA code instead of the full name Genève Aéroport.